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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Through all the drama

Through all the drama, you still have to smile, because life will get better. It might be stormy…but it cant rain forever

Once you get everything straightened out and you begin to enjoy life .. something happens .
it happens because there has to be some kind of event that hits you in the face and makes you realize it’s not all gonna come easy . you have to work at love and dry your tears .  
friends will come and go ; and guess what ? there will be others .
not every relationship will be enchanting and perfect ,  ‘and if it’s meant to be, it will always find a way”

  • The Most Selfish One-Letter Word-“I” Avoid it.
  • The Most Satisfying Two-Letter Word-“WE” Use it.
  • The Most Poisonous Three-Letter Word-“EGO” Kill it.
  • The Most Used Four-Letter Word-“LOVE” Value it.
  • The Most Pleasing Five Letter Word-“SMILE” Keep it
  • .The Fastest Spreading Six-Letter Word-“RUMOUR” Ignore it.
  • The Hardest Working Seven Letter Word-“SUCCESS” Achieve it.
  • The Most Enviable Eight-Letter Word-“JEALOUSY” Distance it.
  • The Most Powerful Nine-Letter Word-“KNOWLEDGE” Acquire it.
  • The Most Essential Ten-Letter Word-“CONFIDENCE” Trust it.

 Somewhere there’s someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while, so when you are lonely, remember this is true: Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you.

Sometimes I wonder if life is really worth it, then I look at your smile and I know  “it is.” :)

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